Monday, November 29, 2010

Love What do you think?

Love? Love... We are born into a world of void of certainty, fraught with meaninglessness, and suffocated in the bleak unknown. Men steal, cheat, and kill for their own gain, and yet many will never find their true purpose in living. In a way, the world spins in chaos.

And yet, we live on.

We trust, against all odds of betrayal.
We give, with no expectation for reward.
We protect others, despite the harm that may come to us.

All this, in the face of the mankind's bend toward wrong-doing.

What is it that holds us together? What pulls us to do the illogical and trust a fellow stranger, to become a friend or even a lover?

The answer is Love. Pure and true Love. And though it seems to push against every logic that one should follow in a world swallowed in madness, it is indeed Love that saves us all in the end.

Ask me anything

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