Friday, September 04, 2009

Nicole and Anthony Part 1

It's going..........

I can't believe it. Here I am passing time, with the buzz of anticipation and prescribed motivation writing, editing, cutting scripts. My life's work. Well, the beginning. Dreams are coming true. And I can't help, but wonder where to next? Where? Further up I suppose. But how and when: who knows?

But it's soon.

It's happening on Monday. Looking great. Better than before. Wish Johnny Gill was playing Clark and Paul A. Amazing actor. I actually might have him recruited for the part if the play ever reaches that level of production. Right now, I'm dealing with the craziness of people congratulating me for a read-through. I want to do something bigger. Not necessarily with money, but just... something bigger.

kennedy center
theater lab
free admission


I'm concerned with the cut on Anthony's speeches however. I mean they're long, and needed to be cut to reserve the pace of the scene. Nevertheless, without that there isn't the gut-check of Anthony's intelligence peeking through his coonish comedy. I hoping against Minstrelsy.

Unrelated note:

Currently listening to the Dream's Love vs Money album

Sweat it Out
Love vs Money pt1
Mr. Yeah

three for Kappa


Thursday, July 09, 2009

Being a new grad

talk about crazy times. it's like being thrown out in the open with no sense of what reality is: then it hits. rent. car insurance. credit card interest. health insurance. food. where to wash your close. how to get to work. what the fuck to do when you get home and your too tired to go out, but you're bored as fuck... these are the days of the early college graduate. the real world's tough. no lie. honestly, i'm just happy i'm not the only one out there going through this. misery loves company.

I like posting skits

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Breaking Up for the hell of it

Lately, I've taken an freakishly strong interest in the process of breaking up... even though I am not in a relationship nor anything resembling it. I am utterly and completely alone... But anyway! Back to the subject: I'm more than ready to write a script about a break up, or at least include it in this summer's movie "It Wasn't You." I think the Yo Bunny Klub would appreciate some depth in the flick.


How to Break Up:

Womp Womp

I am slightly depressed, if not alone. So here are some things that could let me muddle in a pit of self pity and mild boredom.

something is wrong with my life. I'm not sure what it is.. but when i think back to when I was daydreaming on what I'd be like at this age.... well,



Monday, June 15, 2009

Money Money Money


This is pretty much the story of my life. Money. It giveth and, it taketh away. Money is the hand. Money is the face. Honestly, if you live in this country you'll find it difficult if not neigh damn impossible to function without it.

I'm finding myself worried about the complete and absolute basic of things;
things which given a few months before would've have seemed asinine to to worry about. And yet here I am, thinking about how i can make two packages of Ramen noodles and instant oatmeal last me two weeks. This is all because of a bind that I've place myself in, I believe subconsciously, out of sheer boredom.

Simply put: I procrastinated. I was fortunate enough to reap the benefits of post-graduation with post-graduation money. It was a generous amount that allowed one certain Negro to act his stereotype for a couple of months... until it ran out.... and rent was due.... and food was - God help me - low.

Thus the job search began....

but the going out didn't...

it never does...

"F*ck it," I'd say. "Make the impossible, possible." It's not like I'm not used to it.